Reasons to choose GoldenEar Invisa Signature Point Source (SPS) over Definitive Technology UIW RLS II
Driver Setup 3-way vs 2-way
Number of Woofers 4 vs 2
High Frequency Response 35k Hz vs 30k Hz
Height 674mm vs 724mm
Base Surface Area 153cm2 vs 176cm2

Reasons to choose Definitive Technology UIW RLS II over GoldenEar Invisa Signature Point Source (SPS)

Woofer Size 6.5 inches vs 5.25 inches
Low Frequency Response 22 Hz vs 25 Hz
Passive Radiator 2 x 6.5-inch vs None
Price per pair* 1998USD vs 2990USD
GoldenEar Invisa SPS vs Definitive UIW RLS II Specs Table
General GoldenEar Invisa Signature Point Source (SPS) Definitive Technology UIW RLS II
Brand GoldenEar Definitive Technology
Speaker Type Passive In-wall Speaker Passive In-wall Speaker
Power Range 20-350 watts 10-350 watts
Sensitivity 92 dB 92 dB
Impedance 8 ohms 8 ohms
Frequency Response 25-35kHz 22-30kHz
Woofer Quantity 4 2
Woofer Size 5.25" 6.5"
Woofer Composition Polypropylene Polypropylene
Woofer Surround Material Rubber Butly Rubber
Tweeter Size ---" 1"
Tweeter Type Folded Ribbon Hard-Dome
Aimable Tweeter Yes No
Midrange Driver 5.25" N/A"
Physical Specs
Height 674.0mm (26.5") 724.0mm (28.5")
Width 181.0mm (7.1") 178.0mm (7")
Depth 85.0mm (3.3") 99.0mm (3.9")
Enclosure In-wall In-wall
Moisture Resistancy No Yes
Biamp Inputs No No
Parts Warranty 5 Years 5 Years
Labor Warranty 5 Years 5 Years